Who we are

Efficient, transparent, and accountable management and use of petroleum revenues and investments for sustainable economic and social development.

To monitor, evaluate, independently assess government and institutional compliance with Act 815 as amended, and engage the public on the management and use of petroleum revenue, to safeguard public interest

The Accountability Committee has three main objects as outlined in the PRMA;

1.    To monitor and evaluate compliance with the Act by government and relevant institutions in the management and use of petroleum revenues and investments;

2.    To provide space and platform for the public to debate on whether spending prospects and management and use of revenues conform to development priorities as provided under section 21 (3);

3.    To provide independent assessment on the management and use of petroleum revenues to assist parliament and the executive in the oversight and the performance of related functions.

The Committee’s functions include;
1.    To consult widely on best practice related to the management and use of petroleum revenues;
2.    Determine the rules of procedure under which it will operate

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